Here are recipes for two simple and healthy dips made using organic sour cream as a base. Ideal to serve with barbecue dishes, fish, shellfish, vegetable snacks and other crunchy nibbles. Each recipe below makes 1 dip.
Here is how you do it
For the garlic dip, mix the Snøfrisk® with the sour cream, garlic and dill. Season with freshly-ground pepper.
To make guacamole, mix sour cream with the mashed avocado flesh, lime and finely-chopped garlic. Stir well to give a soft and delicious guacamole dip.
Ideally leave both the garlic dip and the guacamole to stand for a while in the fridge before serving.
TIP: It’s a good idea to leave the avocado stone in the dip until serving, as this helps it retain its colour better.